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Ken Guyer
Conversation with Ken Guyer
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In 1967, Ken Guyer graduated from high school with one goal in mind: go to Vietnam. He enlisted in the Navy and, "lusting for adventure," volunteered as a gunner for a River Patrol Boat and ended up three miles north of the most contested place during the war, the DMZ. Guyer said, "I don't want to remember anything," yet he bravely tells his story in his interview. After the war, Guyer became a San Diego City Fire Fighter, only to retire 7 years later due to Agent Orange exposure from the war. The Agent Orange exposure paralyzed him from the waist down, hence his wheelchair. "I volunteered to be in the Navy and go to war. I got what they gave me."

Ken Guyer, USS Midway, San Diego, California, 2021

Ken Guyer, USS Midway, San Diego, California, 2021
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