Dr. Raymond Terhune
Raymond Terhune enlisted in the Navy in the early 1960's, went on reserve so that he could attend dental school, and rejoined the Navy when the Vietnam War began to ramp up in 1966. He arrived in Vietnam in 1968 as a Dentist at the Quảng Trị Naval Base. As Navy doctors are both for the Navy and Marine Corps, his patients were mainly young Marines. As a doctor, he witnessed "extreme morale" issues, heavy drug abuse, and endured the some of the same enemy fire as the Marines he was working on. Terhune has a Naval Dentist for 32 years. Now a docent on the USS Midway, Terhune restored the dental unit of the ship, making one of the offices identical to his during his time on aircraft carriers (see photographs above).

When the USS Midway underwent restoration, Terhune was put in charge of curating the dental exhibits. He replicated his office